All posts by wasimpson

I work for the European Space Agency (ESA) as EOP Technical Coordinator and Earthcare Launch Campaign Manager

Monday 3rd June

This is a special day as Earthcare is officially on the board in ESOC where all the satellites whose LEOP’s were performed by ESOC are recorded.

This is the perfect point for me to close the blog. It has been a pleasure for me to support the project and to maintain the blog.

The blog will remain accessible and i will add additional pictures if available.

I wish all the best to the White Dragon and supporting teams.

Thursday 30th May

At ESOC the end of LEOP was declared. Earthcare was in good health and ready to start commissioning. The team were pleased and could relax a bit

Commissioning room had an uplift

And enjoyed a celebration.

At VSFB the majority of the team left leaving a few to continue with the packing.

A few in the evening went to see a very american Rodeo.

Wednesday 29th May

The day after!

This was a slow start for most of the team at VSFB.

The team continued packing and the first batch of people left. For some collecting equipment from the PAD they were lucky to get a picture in front of the returned booster.

Later there was a major event that the CPR dish was successfully deployed. A very relieved JAXA team.

There was an impromptu party to celebrate this and Thomas’s birthday.

Tuesday 28th May (Launch Day)

The launcher had been rolled out and is now vertical

The team were up early and headed into the mist to the PAD and LLC.

At the PAD the team checked the equipment and performed some link characterisation supported by the LLC.

LLC team is ready

The PAD team…..honest the launcher is there!!

ESOC is also ready

Notice what is on the monitor:-)

The countdown went like clockwork and the launch was perfect though visibility could have been better.

The VIPS in place

Then the booster return in the mist

About ten minutes after the launch separation took place and Earthcare could be seen drifting away. This was a very emotional point for many of the team.

Then the team then had to wait biting their nails until the satellite could first talk to us from South Africa.

The signal was received and Earthcare told us it was well and all was nominal. A great relief for all the team……but now the start of work for the operations team.

For the team at VSFB it was time to celebrate. This moment for may of the team was the culmination of many years work on the project, so emotions were high.

Some more pics of the teams at ESOC

Monday 27th May

Today was a very early start for some members of the team who witnessed the mating of the EA to the launch vehicle. SpaceX then completed all the mechanical and electrical connections in preparation for the satellite switch on.

The switch on was successfully completed and the GSE moved into the PAD room in preparation for the big day tomorrow.

The Launch Readiness Review was held giving the green light to go for launch tomorrow.

Later the TE will roll out with the launcher and will swing vertical in the early hours of the morning.

We also finally got encapsulation pictures!

Also at ESOC things are really ramping up with the pre-launch briefings.

Taking pictures was not without risk:-)

Also at the Hilton Hotel Lompoc interviews were being held

For those wanting to watch the live launch event

ESA Link is

SpaceX link is under upcoming launch

Sunday 26th May

It is all getting very real, the Transport Erector (TE) has been moved into the Hangar and the launcher moved onto it.

The team performed connection checks through the TE/Launcher in preparation for the mating on the Encapsulated Assembly (EA) on the launcher.

A few people also took the opportunity to jump out of a perfectly good aircraft

Saturday 25th May

This was an exciting day for the team as final preparations were made for the transport to SLC-4.

With all preparations completed the assembly moved out of the cleanroom and stopped briefly to allow group pictures to be taken.

The convoy then headed out. Some of the team headed to Ocean gate to await the arrival and were treated to a train arrival whilst waiting. As this is public land pictures were allowed:-)

And heading into the south side of the base through Ocean gate. SLC-4 can just be seen on the far right of the picture.

Another major milestone achieved.

Time to play golf:-)

Friday 24th May

The team arrived to find the satellite encapsulated.

Work continued in finalising the encapsulated assembly and air conditioning in preparation for the big move tomorrow to the SpaceX launch facility (SLC-4)

Elsewhere link checks were being performed in readiness for the launch.