Tuesday 28th May (Launch Day)

The launcher had been rolled out and is now vertical

The team were up early and headed into the mist to the PAD and LLC.

At the PAD the team checked the equipment and performed some link characterisation supported by the LLC.

LLC team is ready

The PAD team…..honest the launcher is there!!

ESOC is also ready

Notice what is on the monitor:-)

The countdown went like clockwork and the launch was perfect though visibility could have been better.

The VIPS in place

Then the booster return in the mist

About ten minutes after the launch separation took place and Earthcare could be seen drifting away. This was a very emotional point for many of the team.

Then the team then had to wait biting their nails until the satellite could first talk to us from South Africa.

The signal was received and Earthcare told us it was well and all was nominal. A great relief for all the team……but now the start of work for the operations team.

For the team at VSFB it was time to celebrate. This moment for may of the team was the culmination of many years work on the project, so emotions were high.

Some more pics of the teams at ESOC

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