Saturday 25th May

This was an exciting day for the team as final preparations were made for the transport to SLC-4.

With all preparations completed the assembly moved out of the cleanroom and stopped briefly to allow group pictures to be taken.

The convoy then headed out. Some of the team headed to Ocean gate to await the arrival and were treated to a train arrival whilst waiting. As this is public land pictures were allowed:-)

And heading into the south side of the base through Ocean gate. SLC-4 can just be seen on the far right of the picture.

Another major milestone achieved.

Time to play golf:-)

Friday 24th May

The team arrived to find the satellite encapsulated.

Work continued in finalising the encapsulated assembly and air conditioning in preparation for the big move tomorrow to the SpaceX launch facility (SLC-4)

Elsewhere link checks were being performed in readiness for the launch.