Thursday 16th May

For the team today was the day it really began to sink in the launch was getting close.

The satellite with the PLA attached was moved and mated onto the PAF. It looked really impressive.


At the launch pad gas samples were taken of the purging lines for cleanliness analysis.

In the LLC the team had a walk through of the countdown procedure which really focused the mind. The satellite was then powered on to check all the connections through the PLA and PAF ready for tomorrows test.

Finally in the adjacent cleanroom the two fairing halves had arrived and were being inspected and prepared.

The propulsion team were finalising the decontamination in the adjacent facility.

Then an early night as Dress Rehearsal tomorrow!!

Wednesday 15th May

First full day of combined operations.

The satellite was lifted and mated onto the Launch Vehicle Adapter followed by a careful exercise of installing the clamp band that will hold the satellite onto the launcher until the point of separation at which point the pyro’s will be fired, the clamp band will release, and spring pushers will push the satellite away from the launcher. This was followed by installing the umbilical connectors allowing the satellite to be powered and communicated with up to the point of launch.

At the launch pad nitrogen flushing of the pipes was being performed in preparation of measurements to be made tomorrow to ensure the cleanliness of the lines.

In the LLC preparations continued for the setup for the dress rehearsal and launch.